About the Global Age Group Championship

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GAGC 2024 - The Event

About the Global Aquatic Championship

Welcome To The First Global Age Group Swim Championship

The 2024 Global Age Group Championship (GAGC) is truly the first of its kind. An event that will set the bar to new heights for age group swimming. The GAGC will bring together swimmers from around the world under one roof to compete in short course Meters (SCM) instead of the usual short course yard. (SCY). This will elevate age group swimming to an international level by allowing domestic athletes to compete with their international counterparts where SCM is standard. Hosted at the world-class Liberty Natatorium, an unparalleled level of production, entertainment, and media coverage will provide swimmers with an experience few outside of the pros get to have.

What is the GAGC?

A meet unlike any other that allows kids 10 and under as well as kids 11-14 from all over the world to come together and compete in a one-of-a-kind, single-age format.

The biggest stage to celebrate the best age group swimmers in the world, with Olympic swimmers in attendance at the 2024 meet serving as ambassadors. A change to unite the age group community on an international level, where both swimmers and coaches can meet their peers, share ideas, and strive to be the best they can be in an exciting competitive environment.

Inside the swim facilities at Liberty University
Liberty University pool with a race underway

Meet Ambassador

Ryan Lochte

Few in our sport are as warm, caring and motivational than Ryan. He gives and shares real-world advice that the younger swimmers appreciate and soak up in awe.

Ryan Lochte, swim medalist, with USA flag background

Ryan Lochte, 12-time Olympic Medalist. World Record holder in 200 IM. A a Florida Gator, he was a seven time NCAA Champion.

Ryan Lochte profile with swim cap
All About

The Event

White Globe

What is the GAGC?

A meet unlike any other that allows kids 10 and under as well as kids 11-14 from all over the world to come together and compete in a one-of-a-kind, single-age format.

The biggest stage to celebrate the best age group swimmers in the world, with Olympic swimmers in attendance at the 2024 meet serving as ambassadors. A change to unite the age group community on an international level, where both swimmers and coaches can meet their peers, share ideas, and strive to be the best they can be in an exciting competitive environment.

A new take on the traditional swim meet, incorporating more fun and entertainment for all in attendance with a level of production only seen in pro competitions.

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Mission Statement

To become the preeminent organization in age group swimming through the creation of a meet that is both unrivaled in the experience for those who attend, and sets a standard for excellence in domestic and international age group competition.

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Where and When

Location: Liberty Natatorium, 1521 Liberty Mountain Dr, Lynchburg, VA 24515

Date: December 17 th – 20 th , 2024

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A single AAA time will qualify a swimmer to enter the meet; bonus events will grant up to a maximum of ten events over the course of the meet. See the GAGC Qualifying Time Standards.

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Level Amenities and Beyond

A truly VIP occasion never before seen in age group swimming! This meet will not only set a new standard in terms of conception and execution of the competition itself, but also of the experience provided to coaches, swimmers, and parents alike. On-Site perks will engage and enthrall unlike any meet that has come before. 

Blue Globe

GAGC Qualifying Time Standards

Qualifying times are minimum times.Entries are limited to three (3) individual events per day with a maximum of ten (10) for the entire meet.